About Us
Our story goes back to the first day of the full scale invasion in February 2022. It is then that the war found us - and so did the refugees and abandoned animals.
Very soon it became obvious that we needed to organise and create a strong transparent structure that is based on humanitarian principles. Thus, Aid Ukraine UK was created.
In time, as our involvement in animal welfare in Ukraine became a major driving force within the organisation, we decided to form Aid Ukraine Animals UK - a charity dedicated to rescuing, rehoming, and providing veterinary care and food for abandoned pets in Ukraine.
As always we will continue to work closely with our local Ukrainian Animal Welfare Charity partners to make a difference in the lives of these animals.

Our Mission
We actively rescue, rehome, and provide veterinary care and food for abandoned pets in Ukraine, in collaboration with our local Ukrainian Animal Welfare Charity partners.
We have clear aims:
Compliance and 'best practice standards in animal welfare
Co-operation and compassion
Saving all lives - life is precious and we have a duty of care to do everything we can
Rescue is only a part of the journey to a happy forever home. We stay in the process from rescue until rehoming.

How We Help
We have a comprehensive approach to aiding animal victims of war in Ukraine, including rescue operations, finding loving homes, and ensuring they receive necessary veterinary care.
We firmly believe that no organisation, charity, or non-profit stands alone. We are all in it together. Fighting the same battle and aiming to provide a better future for the abandoned, frightened, and injured animals that are innocent victims of war.
We always stay in the process from the rescue to the loving forever home. That way we can trace the journey and make sure that the animals receive the best possible care under the circumstances

About Aid Ukraine Animals UK
Aid Ukraine Animals UK is a charity based in the UK that focuses on providing aid and support to animal victims of war in Ukraine. Our mission is to rescue, rehome, and provide essential veterinary care and food for abandoned pets in Ukraine. We work closely with local Ukrainian Animal Welfare partners to ensure the well-being and welfare of these animals in need.